Predator MDC™ with MTConnect

Why use Predator MDC with MTConnect?
Leverage the power of Predator MDC with MTConnect to simplify machine monitoring and manufacturing data collection via Ethernet.
- Track cycle time, setup time and teardown time
- Collect downtimes, idle time and part counts
- Analyze metrics per job, part, operation, shift, user, cell and more
- Works with any MTConnect enabled CNC, CMM or sensor
- Wired or wireless Ethernet based data collection
- Single spindle and multiple spindle (up to 5) based machines
- Single path and multiple path (up to 32) based machines
- Software based, no special data collection hardware required
- Supports MTConnect adapters and agents from any MTConnect compatible vendor
NOTE: Predator MDC supports MTConnect v1.4, v1.31, v1.3, v1.2 and v1.1 simultaneously.
MTConnect Pricing
MTConnect support is included with the purchase of Predator MDC. MTConnect Agents and Adapters can vary in terms of pricing and capabilities. The machine tool builders and equipment manufacturers that support MTConnect can provide additional pricing and capability details on their MTConnect Agents and Adapters.
Predator CNC Service and MTConnect
Leverage the power of MTConnect with Predator CNC Service to provide intelligent software based machine monitoring via Ethernet. Predator CNC Service supports machine operation modes, cycle counters and more for all makes and models of MTConnect enabled CNC Mills, Lathes, Routers, Lasers, Grinders, EDMs and CMMs.

The following software based data collection details are supported with most MTConnect agents and adapters:
- Cycle Time
- Idle Time
- Automatic Time
- MDI Time
- Emergency Stop Time
- Feed Rates
- Feed Hold Time
- Alarm Time
- Spindle Speeds
- Spindle Loads
- Spindle Speed Overrides
- Rapid Overrides
- Feed Rate Overrides
- Program Numbers
- Sequence Numbers
- Tool Numbers
- Pallet Numbers
- Part Counter Values
- and more...
Predator MDC supports up to 100 additional custom MTConnect tags should additional details be required. Unfortunately, not all MTConnect agents and adapters include every MTConnect tag. Refer to the documentation provided by the MTConnect agent and adapter for which MTConnect tags are included. Some MTConnect vendors charge extra for some MTConnect tags. MTConnect agents or adapters may have to be purchased or installed by the machine builder or machine distributor.
Predator MDC's MTConnect Version 1.4 Standard Tag Support
MTConnect v1.4 Tag | Description |
Alarm | Current machine alarm |
Controller_Mode | Current path's control mode (Automatic, MDI, Edit, etc.) |
Emergency_Stop | State of the emergency stop button or circuit |
End_Of_Bar.Auxiliary | Current state of the auxiliary end of bar |
End_Of_Bar.Primary | Current state of the primary end of bar |
Equipment_Mode.Loaded | Current loaded state of the equipment |
Equipment_Mode.Operating | Current operating state of the equipment |
Equipment_Mode.Powered | Current powered state of the equipment |
Equipment_Mode.Working | Current working state of the equipment |
Execution | Current path's execution or operating state (Cycle, Feed Hold, Idle, etc.) |
Functional_Mode | Current path's functional mode |
Line | Current path's line number (Deprecated with v1.4) |
Line_Label | Current path's line label |
Line_Number | Current path's line number |
Load | Current path's spindle load |
Maintenance_ID | Current or active maintenance personnel |
Materials | Current or active material |
Operator_ID | Current or active machine operator |
Pallet_ID | Current or active pallet number |
Part_Count | Current path's part counter |
Part_ID | Current or active part number |
Path_Feedrate | Current path's feed rate |
Path_Feedrate_Override | Current path's feed rate override percent |
Path_Feedrate_Override.Rapid | Current path's rapid override percent |
PowerState.Line | Current machine's power status |
PowerState.Control | Current control's power status |
Program | Current path's CNC program |
Rotary_Velocity | Current path's spindle speed |
Rotary_Velocity_Override | Current path's spindle override percent |
Setup_ID | Current or active setup |
Tool_Number | Current or active tool number |
Tool_Offset.Length | Current or active tool length offset |
Tool_Offset.Radial | Current or active tool diameter/radius offset |
Work_Offset | Current or active work/fixture offset |
Workholding_ID | Current path's work holding or fixture number |
NOTE: Predator MDC supports up to 100 additional custom MTConnect v1.4 tags per machine or device.
Predator MDC's MTConnect Version 1.3 Standard Tag Support
MTConnect v1.3 Tag | Description |
Alarm | Current machine alarm |
Controller_Mode | Current path's control mode (Automatic, MDI, Edit, etc.) |
End_Of_Bar.Auxiliary | Current state of the auxiliary end of bar |
End_Of_Bar.Primary | Current state of the primary end of bar |
Emergency_Stop | State of the emergency stop button or circuit |
Execution | Current path's execution or operating state (Cycle, Feed Hold, Idle, etc.) |
Functional_Mode | Current path's functional mode |
Line | Current path's line number |
Load | Current path's spindle load |
Operator_ID | Current or active machine operator |
Pallet_ID | Current or active pallet number |
Part_Count | Current path's part counter |
PartID | Current or active part number |
Path_Feedrate | Current path's feed rate |
Path_Feedrate_Override | Current path's feed rate override percent |
Path_Feedrate_Override.Rapid | Current path's rapid override percent |
PowerState | Current machine's power status |
Program | Current path's CNC program |
Rotary_Velocity | Current path's spindle speed |
Rotary_Velocity_Override | Current path's spindle override percent |
Tool_Number | Current or active tool number |
NOTE: Predator MDC supports up to 100 additional custom MTConnect v1.3 tags per machine or device.
Predator MDC's MTConnect Version 1.2 Standard Tag Support
MTConnect v1.2 Tag | Description |
Alarm | Current machine alarm |
Controller_Mode | Current path's control mode (Automatic, MDI, Feed Hold, etc.) |
Emergency_Stop | State of the emergency stop button or circuit |
Execution | Current path's execution or operating state (Cycle, Idle, etc.) |
Line | Current path's line number |
Load | Current path's spindle load |
Operator_ID | Current or active machine operator |
PalletID | Current or active pallet number |
PartCount | Current path's part counter |
PartID | Current or active part number |
PathFeedrate | Current path's feed rate |
Path_Feedrate_Override | Current path's feed rate override percent |
Path_Feedrate_Override.Rapid | Current path's rapid override percent |
PowerState | Current machine's power status |
Program | Current path's CNC program |
RotaryVelocity | Current path's spindle speed |
SpindleSpeed | Current path's spindle speed (Deprecated with v1.2) |
Rotary_Velocity_Override | Current path's spindle override percent |
SpindleSpeed.Override | Current path's spindle override percent (Deprecated with v1.2) |
ToolAssetID | Current or active tool number |
ToolID | Current or active tool number (Deprecated with v1.2) |
NOTE: Predator MDC supports up to 100 additional custom MTConnect v1.2 tags per machine or device.
Predator MDC's MTConnect Version 1.1 Standard Tag Support
MTConnect v1.1 Tag | Description |
Alarm | Current machine alarm |
Controller_Mode | Current path's control mode (Automatic, MDI, etc.) |
Emergency_Stop | State of the emergency stop button or circuit |
Execution | Current path's execution or operating state (Cycle, Idle, etc.) |
Line | Current path's line number |
Load | Current path's spindle load |
Operator_ID | Current or active machine operator |
PartCount | Current path's part counter |
PartID | Current or active part number |
PathFeedrate | Current path's feed rate |
PathFeedrate.Override | Current path's feed rate override percent |
PathFeedrate.Override.Rapid | Current path's rapid override percent |
PowerState | Current machine's power status |
Program | Current path's CNC program |
SpindleSpeed | Current path's spindle speed |
SpindleSpeed.Override | Current path's spindle override percent |
ToolID | Current or active tool number |
NOTE: Predator MDC supports up to 100 additional custom MTConnect v1.1 tags per machine or device.